Vietnam School on Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing (VSAIQC)
Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence are emerging as dynamic research areas with potential radical influences on computational technology and essential industrial areas, such as material sciences, logistics, healthcare, and finance. In fact, critical advancements in drug discovery, cryptography & communication have been achieved over the last two decades. This puts a strong request on the near-future human resources.
This proposed school aims at bringing students to this frontier of research and technology. The target groups of this summer school are bachelor students and master students in Southeast Asia and Asia. PhD students in their early years are also welcome. Lecturers are international professors and engineers who are experts in several fields, including Quantum Information Theory and Quantum Computing, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence. Mini Projects are designed for students in groups to encourage active learning. Training presentations for students are in the plan. The schedule also leaves ample room for further discussions between students and lecturers.