Time in Quantum Theory 2025

TiQT 2025 is the 5th Annual Conference on Time in Quantum Theory. This year, the conference takes place in Genoa, a beautiful port city on the Italian Ligurian Sea, on 17-20 June 2025. We aim to bring together disparate communities, providing a shared and interdisciplinary ground to discuss topics including:
- Fundamental limitations to timekeeping. How accurate can physical clocks be? This topic concerns, but is not limited to, models for clocks, quantum information theory, and thermodynamics.
- Foundational aspects of time. What can philosophy and quantum foundations say about time? How does this impact theoretical models? How can the notion of time in quantum mechanics be reconciled with that in general relativity?
- Experimental approaches and time measurements. How can we understand time through quantum experiments? How can we describe time measurements in quantum mechanics?
Event Details
Genoa, Italy
June 17, 2025
9:00 AM
Primary Language(s)
Event Entry
Limited Entry