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Reading of “The Trial of the Photon” written by Professor Sin-Itiro Tomonaga

Professor Sin-Itiro Tomonaga, a Nobel Prize winner in physics and professor emeritus at Tokyo University of Education, the predecessor of University of Tsukuba, wrote a short courtroom drama titled “The Trial of the Photon”. The main character is “Mitsuko Namino (波乃光子)”, which is directly translated to “wave is a photon”. She claims, “I entered the room through both windows together. She makes an unorthodox claim, but the defense attorney insists that it is true!

What was “Mitsuko Namino (波乃光子),” the smallest unit of light, “photon,” thinking and feeling? Why don’t you experience a slice of the wonder by reading this play (script) aloud and savoring it together?

Event Details

January 20, 2025
3:00 PM
Primary Language(s)
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