QuantumBW Colloquium: Design Automation Tools and Software for Quantum Computing

Designing and realizing quantum computing applications in a scalable fashion requires automated, efficient, and user-friendly software tools that cater to the needs of end users, engineers, and physicists. Many of the problems to be tackled are similar to design problems from the classical realm for which sophisticated design automation tools have been developed in the last decades. The Munich Quantum Toolkit (MQT) is a collection of open-source software tools for quantum computing developed by the Chair for Design Automation at TUM, which uses this design automation expertise to provide solutions for design tasks across the entire quantum software stack. This entails high-level support for end users, efficient methods for the classical simulation, compilation, and verification of quantum circuits, tools for quantum error correction, and more. This talk will cover selected highlights across the broad spectrum of the MQT and its history.
Lukas Burgholzer is a postdoc at the Technical University of Munich’s Chair for Design Automation. He obtained his PhD in computer science at JKU Linz in Austria under the supervision of Robert Wille. His research focuses on design automation and software for quantum computing. He is the chief developer and maintainer of the Munich Quantum Toolkit (MQT) and leads the technical development of the Munich Quantum Software Stack (MQSS), an endeavor of the Munich Quantum Valley to build a full-stack quantum computing ecosystem.