Quantum Wonderland Reading with Singing
A reading/singing in English of the Finale Scene with 4 Songs from a new musical called QUANTUM WONDERLAND starring Einstein, Bohr, Schroedinger, Heisenberg, and others. The interdisciplinary musical brings to life the quantum world for the general public in an engaging way by bridging theatre and science. The total time will be less than one hour.

The FINALE of the Musical takes place in the Court of Einstein, demanding a trial to determine the true nature of reality. Heisenberg testifies how uncertainty leads to the impossibility of complete knowledge and predictability. Schrödinger ridicules the quantum absurdities by conjuring a cat that is both dead and alive at the same time. Bohr delivers a powerful revelation about the harmony of the quantum world. Still unsatisfied, the King poses riddles, for which Bohr offers imaginative solutions, by opening new curtains into the quantum world. The King makes a rousing plea to bring sanity back to the “ludicrous” quantum world, and to out-rule the cardinal quantum feature of probability because “God does not play dice” with the universe.
During the Virtual Reading/singing, I will play songs played (with music) at the appropriate time. The songs and music have already been performed by talented singers and musicians.