Qst International Conference on “Future Prospects of Quantum Science and Technology Using Laser-Based Soft X-Ray and Synchrotron Radiation”
This conference aims at making deep discussion on science and technology related to newly emerging light sources in the soft X-ray and further higher energy region, the so-called “tender” X-ray energy region. At National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST), we have developed a laser-based soft X-ray high-harmonics generation (SX-HHG) beamline at Kansai Institute for Photon Science (KPSI), and a synchrotron radiation (SR) facility, NanoTerasu, covering the soft and tender X-ray. It is very timely for us to discuss how to use these advanced light sources in a variety of research fields, such as material science and biological science. The complementary usage of SX-HHG and SR and common requirements for optical devices should be discussed at the conference. Other light sources, such as X-FEL and high-power laser-based X-ray, are also considered.
In the conference, we prepare several sessions on specific topics. In each session, a discussion leader gives a brief overview of the session topics, including the contents of invited talks in the session. After all presentations in the session, plenty of time for discussion will be preserved. Exchanging knowledge and ideas among various research fields will accelerate progress in soft and tender X-ray science. Poster sessions will be arranged in the program.