Quantum Optics and Information Meeting – Kobit

The series of meetings is to gather the scientists and students who are interested in the fields of quantum optics and information and create an open environment to support collaboration. The program is designed to inform, connect, and advance breakthroughs in Türkiye’s quantum science and engineering landscape. It covers academic research, industry applications, and various other topics.

Women in Tech Summit 2025

The Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit 2025 – the most empowering, dynamic, and inspiring event for women in STEM, Tech, and IT across Europe and Asia – will be held on June 4-5, 2025, in Warsaw. The event will bring together 10,000 participants, 500 speakers, 200 tech topics, 300 mentoring sessions, and 60 specialized workshops.

Quantum computing has been a key theme since last year’s edition and will continue to be a major focus. Alongside quantum computing, the summit will feature topics like engineering and robotics, AI trends, energy transformation, women in leadership, diversity and inclusion, cybersecurity, sports & esports, and women in gaming.

Each year, we transform Warsaw into the capital of technology. Our mission is to inspire, educate, and create opportunities for professional networking for everyone passionate about modern technologies, with a special focus on women who are eager to grow in any field of their choosing. The summit gathers representatives from various sectors—including science, business, government institutions, NGOs, and industry associations.

Our goal is to challenge gender stereotypes, empower women in technology, engineering, IT, and science, and reduce gender disparities in these fields.

This year, we are excited to welcome researchers from CERN and Harvard University, including Malika Meddahi and Aleksandra Przegalińska. While we are still finalizing the full agenda, we can confirm that quantum-related topics will once again be covered across two days on the Science Stage.

Among our proposals are panels like:

Real-World Applications of Quantum Science: A talk exploring how quantum science is being applied in various sectors, including healthcare, finance, and cybersecurity. Female leaders in these fields will highlight their experiences and the transformative potential of quantum technologies.

QKD and post-quantum cryptography, are we safe? For how long?
Experts would debate the current state of quantum key distribution and the race to develop post-quantum cryptographic standards, evaluating how prepared we are for a quantum-secure future.

Some of last year’s popular panels included:

Q! Particle Physics and Quantum Entanglement with the LHC
Q! How to Build a Quantum Computer? Balancing Practical Challenges and Future Prospects
The (Super)position of Women in Quantum
HARD Q! Quantum Technologies: Cryptography and Data Security in the Quantum Era

The Summit is also a climate-positive event. We provide tap water sourced from the city, offer free public transportation for participants, and offset our environmental impact by supporting wetland restoration efforts.

The Night Light Became Quantum PLUS A Duet of Light and Laughter

Professor Hassan Padamsee from Cornell University and Fermilab invites the general public to enjoy the musical The Night Light Became Quantum & A Duet of Light and Laughter, which consists of two short scenes from the Musical “Quantum Lovers” by Prof. Hasan Padamsee.

The event will last 45 minutes, including an introduction by Prof. Padamsee.

In Scene 1: The Night Light Became Quantum

Einstein and Mileva sit at a wooden table cluttered with scattered papers and scientific journals. The conversation turns to the puzzling results of the photoelectric effect. Albert paces excitedly, then broods at the table, when suddenly—his eyes widen with realization. He posits the radical quantum idea that will shake the foundations of physics. Mileva listens intently, questioning his reasoning. She pushes him on the implications.

In Scene 2: A Duet of Light and Laughter

“So, light is proper at times, traveling in waves, yet at other times, it’s just a scatterbrained little particle?” Mileva teases. Albert, catching her playful tone, grins. “It cannot decide—wave or particle, particle or wave!” What begins as a joke turns into an impromptu duet. With exaggerated flourishes, they mimic light’s absurd identity crisis—Mileva swaying like a smooth, undulating wave, Albert hopping like a jittery particle. The performance dissolves into shared exhilaration, both unaware of how this paradox will challenge physicists for decades to come.

The 2-hour musical was performed live in Chicago in August 2023.

To attend the event online, please Join the Zoom Meeting

Date and time: February 20, 2025, at 11:30 am Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Meeting ID: 839 8632 0302

Passcode: 325331

Jornadas IYQ2025 en la Universidad de Sevilla

Con motivo de la celebración del Año Internacional de la Ciencia y la Tecnología Cuántica (IYQ2025, https://quantum2025.org/es/) la Universidad de Sevilla organizará un ciclo de conferencias conmemorativas (Jornadas IYQ2025-US) enfocadas en la Mecánica Cuántica y sus aplicaciones. Estas jornadas tienen por objeto poner de relieve la importancia de la ciencia cuántica en el desarrollo tecnológico actual y futuro, abarcando áreas como la astrofísica, la tecnología nuclear, los nuevos materiales, la química, la computación, la electrónica, las comunicaciones, la biología y las matemáticas, entre otras.

Las jornadas se extenderán a lo largo del año 2025, y contarán con un total de 16 charlas, dirigidas principalmente a estudiantes, profesorado, investigadores y el público interesado en la cultura científica. Entre los ponentes se encuentran investigadores de reconocido prestigio en alguno de los campos relacionado con la Ciencia y la Tecnología Cuántica.

Las charlas se impartirán en el campus de Reina Mercedes (Facultades de Física, de Química y de Matemáticas) y el campus de Cartuja (ETSi). El acto inaugural tendrá lugar en el Paraninfo de la US el 26 de febrero de 2025 a las 11:00 de la mañana.

La iniciativa ha sido impulsada por los departamentos de Física Aplicada III, Física Atómica Molecular y Nuclear, Física Aplicada II, Química Física, Física de la Materia Condensada, Electrónica y Electromagnetismo, Álgebra, Filosofía y Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia y cuenta con el apoyo institucional de los respectivos centros y de la propia Universidad, a través de los Vicerrectorados de Investigación y de Proyección Internacional e Internacionalización.
Lugar del acto: Paraninfo de la Universidad de Sevilla.

26th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy (ICOLS 2025)

Following the tradition of previous meetings, the scope of this Conference is to bring together scientists working in the broad area of laser spectroscopy and related topics in atomic, molecular, optical physics and other disciplines, including applications, to provide a unique opportunity to exchange leading-edge scientific news and ideas, thus stimulating novel research activities.

The topics cover a wide range of exciting physics, such as precision tests of fundamental symmetries with atoms and molecules, atomic clocks, atom interferometry, quantum many-body physics with ultra-cold atoms, ultra-fast atomic and molecular dynamics, mesoscopic and artificial atoms, quantum optics, and quantum information science.

The 26th edition is back in Italy 30 years after TWICOLS ’95 in Capri when the first experimental evidence of Bose-Einstein condensation of ultracold atoms was announced.

QuantumBW Colloquium: Design Automation Tools and Software for Quantum Computing

Designing and realizing quantum computing applications in a scalable fashion requires automated, efficient, and user-friendly software tools that cater to the needs of end users, engineers, and physicists. Many of the problems to be tackled are similar to design problems from the classical realm for which sophisticated design automation tools have been developed in the last decades. The Munich Quantum Toolkit (MQT) is a collection of open-source software tools for quantum computing developed by the Chair for Design Automation at TUM, which uses this design automation expertise to provide solutions for design tasks across the entire quantum software stack. This entails high-level support for end users, efficient methods for the classical simulation, compilation, and verification of quantum circuits, tools for quantum error correction, and more. This talk will cover selected highlights across the broad spectrum of the MQT and its history.

Lukas Burgholzer is a postdoc at the Technical University of Munich’s Chair for Design Automation. He obtained his PhD in computer science at JKU Linz in Austria under the supervision of Robert Wille. His research focuses on design automation and software for quantum computing. He is the chief developer and maintainer of the Munich Quantum Toolkit (MQT) and leads the technical development of the Munich Quantum Software Stack (MQSS), an endeavor of the Munich Quantum Valley to build a full-stack quantum computing ecosystem.

5th International Conference on the History of Physics – Physics of the Early Decades of the 20th Century

This conference is the fifth in the series following the first four, which were held at Trinity College, Cambridge, UK, in 2014; Pöllau, Austria, in 2016; San Sebastian, Spain, in 2018; and Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, in 2022. It is formally overseen by an International Advisory Committee, which is recognised by the Institute of Physics (IoP) and the European Physical Society (EPS).

The aim of these conferences is to bring together physicists interested in the history of their subject and professional historians of science in the belief that proponents of the two disciplines, with their different perceptions and methodologies, can benefit from interaction and discourse.

Student attendance and participation will be encouraged in the firm belief that a study of the history of the subject can inspire future generations by informing them about the lives and work of past scientists, and also facilitate a better understanding of topics that present conceptual problems today just as they did to their discoverers.

The leading theme of the 5ICHoP-2025 is “PHYSICS OF THE EARLY DECADES OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY”, aligning with the United Nations General Assembly declaration that 2025 will be the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology (IYQ), celebrating the centenary of the matrix formulation of quantum mechanics developed by Werner Heisenberg, Max Born, and Pascual Jordan and of the wave-mechanics formulation by Erwin Schrödinger.

Presentations on any subject related to the history of physics are also welcome, including, but not limited, to the following topics:

  • The history of institutions, academies, and scientific societies
  • The roads to and from applied physics into technology
  • Revisitation of classic or overlooked papers
  • Pedagogical and research traditions in physics
  • Historic perspectives of gender and physics
  • New historiographical approaches in the history of physics
  • Digital humanities and the history of physics

Spring R(h)ein Quantum School

Are you ready to dive into the world of quantum information science?
Then join us from 24th to 28th of March 2025 in Düsseldorf, Germany for the Spring R(h)ein Quantum School!

If you are approaching the end of your Bachelor’s studies or are a Master’s student who is curious about the fascinating world of quantum computing, quantum key distribution, and entanglement, then this school is for you! No prior knowledge is required, although basic knowledge of quantum mechanics is helpful.

Quantum Wonderland Reading with Singing

A reading/singing in English of the Finale Scene with 4 Songs from a new musical called QUANTUM WONDERLAND starring Einstein, Bohr, Schroedinger, Heisenberg, and others. The interdisciplinary musical brings to life the quantum world for the general public in an engaging way by bridging theatre and science. The total time will be less than one hour.

The FINALE of the Musical takes place in the Court of Einstein, demanding a trial to determine the true nature of reality. Heisenberg testifies how uncertainty leads to the impossibility of complete knowledge and predictability. Schrödinger ridicules the quantum absurdities by conjuring a cat that is both dead and alive at the same time. Bohr delivers a powerful revelation about the harmony of the quantum world. Still unsatisfied, the King poses riddles, for which Bohr offers imaginative solutions, by opening new curtains into the quantum world. The King makes a rousing plea to bring sanity back to the “ludicrous” quantum world, and to out-rule the cardinal quantum feature of probability because “God does not play dice” with the universe.
During the Virtual Reading/singing, I will play songs played (with music) at the appropriate time. The songs and music have already been performed by talented singers and musicians.

Beyond Knabenphysik: Women in the History of Quantum Physics

The moniker “boys’ physics” (Knabenphysik) originally emphasized the youthfulness of the early quantum physics protagonists. Its gender connotation long remained unchallenged. This panel brings to light the remarkable yet long-overlooked contributions of women to the development of quantum physics.

The Women in the History of Quantum Physics (WiHQP) collaboration was founded in early 2021, in preparation for the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology. We are an international team of historians, scientists, writers, and philosophers of science working to reconstruct and analyze the lives and contributions of dozens of women, including those who worked during the early days of the old quantum theory and later contributors to quantum field theory.

In celebration of the 2025 centennial of quantum mechanics, this panel will present a subset of narratives from our forthcoming anthology, Women in the History of Quantum Physics: Beyond Knabenphysik, (currently in press with Cambridge University Press). We aim to share the richness and diversity of scientific life that has grown from researching the quantum.

This event is part of the 27th International Congress of History of Science and Technology held is Dunedin, June 29-July 5, 2025.