Mathematical Challenges in Quantum Mechanics School and Workshop
The School and Workshop “Mathematical Challenges in Quantum Mechanics” – at its fourth edition – aims to present the state of the art in some challenging open problems in Quantum Mechanics from the point of view of Mathematical Physics, and provide a space for scientific exchanges among PhD students and early-career and senior researchers.
It will consist of three introductory mini courses, given by
– Sven Bachmann, The University of British Columbia
– Caroline Lasser, Technische Universität München
– Mathieu Lewin, CEREMADE – Université Paris Dauphine
and invited talks by
– Niels Benedikter, Università degli Studi di Milano
– Patrick Gérard, Université Paris-Saclay
– Roberto Longo, Università di Roma Tor Vergata
– Pascal Naidon, RIKEN – Nishina Centre
– Costanza Rojas-Molina, CY Cergy Paris Université
– Jos Uffink, University of Minnesota
The school will be complemented by contributed talk sessions by selected young participants. Proposals can be submitted through the registration form at any time by December 1st, 2024.
Registration to attend the School and Workshop is free but mandatory. We kindly ask to meet the deadline of January 26th, 2025.