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30th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics

Every single advance and insight that has led to the development of today’s quantum computers has been presented and discussed during the International Conference in Low Temperature Physics. For example, the properties of quantum gases, the development of dilution refrigeration, or the superconducting qubits.

The International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT30) is the main activity of the C5 commission of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP). LT30 is a major event in Physics, held only every three years. LT has been regularly organized since 1946 all over the world, see here. It is a great opportunity that the organization of LT30 coincides exactly with the IYQ.

There are usually about 1000 participants and there is an exhibition for companies, where we expect major players in quantum technologies.

This time, on the special occasion of the IYQ, we have added a specific committee on quantum information and technologies. The list of speakers is found here.

The conference will include a public session with a renowned speaker, and we will organize quantum experiments on the street, including superconducting levitation and the demonstration of other quantum phenomena. Organizers have significant experience in dissemination; see, for example, this video or here.

Four major prizes will be awarded, with quite possibly a large protagonism of specific quantum science results. For example, the London and Simon prizes. London prize was awarded to Landau (LT7 Toronto 1960, Nobel 1962), Bardeen (LT8 Londres 1962, Nobel 1972), Josephson (LT12 Kyoto 1970, Nobel 1973), Abrikosov (LT13 Boulder 1972, Nobel 2003), Leggett (LT16 Los Angeles 1981, Nobel 2003), Thouless (LT17 Karlsruhe 1984, Nobel 2016), Müller and Bednorz (LT17 Karlsruhe 1984, Nobel 1987), Wieman and Cornell (LT21 Prague 1996, Nobel 2001) and Ketterle (LT22 Helsinki 1999, Nobel 2001), among other renowned scientists.

Event Details

Bilbao, Spain
August 7, 2025
8:00 AM
Primary Language(s)
Event Entry
Limited Entry