International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi” Course 216 – Frontiers in Medical Physics

Course 216 – Frontiers in Medical Physics

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

  • Fundaments of MRI
  • Reconstruction techniques
  • q-MRI
  • Diffusion & functional MRI, tractography
  • New frontiers in MRI technologies

X-Ray imaging

  • Fundaments of X-ray imaging
  • Dose optimization in X-ray imaging
  • Photon counting CT: image quality and new perspectives
  • Phase contrast imaging techniques
  • Dark field imaging: from the physics principles to the first clinical experience

External beam Radiotherapy (RT): status and new perspectives

  • Clinical needs in radiation oncology
  • Fundaments of radiobiology
  • Technological aspects of external beam radiotherapy
  • Advanced image guidance in photon therapy
  • Advanced image guidance in particle therapy
  • New frontiers in external beam radiotherapy: Temporal (FLASH) and Spatial (mini beams) Fractionation

Innovative instrumentation for external beam radiotherapy

  • Accelerators for ion beam therapy: status and new developments
  • New systems for FLASH & very high-energy electrons (VHEE) RT
  • Laser-driven proton sources for biomedical applications
  • New dosimeters for next-generation RT

The bleeding edge in AI, imaging, and therapeutic technologies

  • Redefining (bio)medical physics with AI and generative models
  • AI-Driven preakthroughs across physics, neuroscience, and AI
  • Quantum AI and quantum applications in precision medicine
  • Magnetic nanomaterials for next-generation neurophysics
  • Beyond boundaries: Ultra-High Field MRI (7T-17T) in human and animal research
  • Combining ultrasound and UHF MRI for brain therapies

1 – 6 July 2025
Cristina Lenardi – Università degli Studi di Milano & INFN Milano (Italy)
Katia Parodi – Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich (Germany)

Qubits Uncovered: The Gateway to Quantum Computing

This Masterclass offers an accessible exploration into the world of quantum computing, focusing on the qubit—the fundamental unit of quantum information. In this class, we demystify core quantum concepts such as superposition, interference, and measurement through hands-on demonstrations that can be performed with just one qubit. Designed for a diverse audience including computer scientists, mathematicians, and curious minds alike, the course illustrates how a single qubit can generate true randomness, secure data using quantum cryptography, and even implement simple algorithms. Join us to discover how understanding one qubit opens the door to the revolutionary possibilities of quantum technology.

Revolución Cuántica

El Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Calkiní (ITESCAM) propone organizar un ciclo de conferencias de dos días, del 3 al 4 de abril de 2025. El título del evento es “Revolución Cuántica: Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro”. Este evento está diseñado para ser mayoritariamente divulgativo, con el objetivo de hacer accesibles los conceptos de la ciencia y la tecnología cuántica a toda la comunidad, independientemente de su formación en física.

Las actividades incluirán charlas que abordarán temas como la computación cuántica, las aplicaciones médicas de la tecnología cuántica y su impacto en la vida cotidiana, aplicaciones en energías renovables y nanomateriales. Los contenidos se presentarán de manera sencilla y comprensible, utilizando ejemplos prácticos y evitando tecnicismos, para asegurar que todos los asistentes puedan comprender y apreciar la relevancia de estos avances.

Quantum Book Club

A series of events to learn about the scientists who were the main contributors to the development of quantum mechanics through reading and discussing Thirty Years that Shook Physics: The Story of Quantum Theory by George Gamow. The club meets on Thursdays (March 6, 20, and 27 and April 3, 10, 17, and 24).

Quantum Think Tank Strasbourg

The aim of the Quantum Think Thank Strasbourg (QTTS) is to bring together a community of scientists, historians, and philosophers from the Strasbourg area, including professional researchers and students, who are interested in the foundations of quantum physics. Since its inception at the beginning of the 20th century, quantum physics has been the focus of much debate about its interpretation. In the current and active context of quantum technologies, it therefore seems essential to encourage reflection on the fundamental ideas, origins, and implications of quantum physics. QTTS organises lectures given by quantum experts, usually one by a quantum physicist and another by a historian or philosopher of science, with a view to encouraging cross-field debates and fostering new interdisciplinary research.