Our Partners

The proposal for an International Year of Quantum Science and Technology has been endorsed by leading international scientific societies, academies, and unions throughout the world.

We extend our gratitude to our partners for recognizing the profound significance of quantum science, both in its historical contributions and future potential. As we embark on this year-long observance, we aim to raise public awareness through various activities highlighting its impact at all levels.

Founding Partners

  • American Physical Society
  • Chinese Optical Society
  • Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
  • Institute of Physics
  • Optica
  • SPIE

Leading Partners

  • South Carolina Quantum Association and Qllianse

Distinguished Partners

  • IEEE

Contributing Partners

Supporting Partners

  • Technology Innovation Institute

Participating Partners

  • Purdue University
  • International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
  • Yale Quantum Institute

Strategic Partners

  • QED-C
  • Quantum Industry Canada
  • Resonance

View the complete list of the societies and organizations that supported the proposal for the proclamation of the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology.