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About IYQ


The mission of the International Year of Quantum Science & Technology (IYQ) is to use the occasion of 100 years of quantum mechanics in 2025 to help raise public awareness of the importance and impact of quantum science and applications on all aspects of life. Anyone, anywhere can participate in IYQ by helping others to learn more about quantum on this centennial occasion or simply taking the time to learn more about it themselves.

No One Owns Quantum Science 

No individual, society, country, institution, or discipline can claim ownership of the past or future of quantum science; it is knowledge that should be free to all. IYQ recognizes those who put effort into studying, developing, investigating, using, and teaching quantum science and technology, while seeking to solicit and answer questions from anyone who wants to learn more about it. 

Everyone is Invited 

Those who have insights into the beauty, power, and importance of quantum science and technology should use IYQ as a moment to share these insights with people who are less familiar with quantum. IYQ asks everyone to make an effort to reach out to people with different cultural backgrounds and aesthetic sensibilities. 

Recognize Consensus, Honor Dissent, and Admit Ignorance 

If you’re inclined to present or seek out a unified story, make note of where others dissent. If you’re inclined to highlight disputes and controversies, recognize where there is consensus. If you’re inclined to promote or to understand established knowledge, make note of what is still unknown. 

Help Others Find Reliable Quantum Information 

Manythings have been and will be said about quantum science and technology that are untrue or misleading. The remedy for these statements is more quantum speech. All people proceed from learning simple, sometimes incorrect stories to deeper, more nuanced ones. IYQ aims to meet people where they are in their understanding and help them to construct pathways for this journey. 

Model the Ideals of Scientific Conduct 

There is often a disparity between how we hope scientific inquiry is conducted and how it is actually practiced by individuals and institutions. IYQ is an opportunity to communicate and model the ideals of how science should be practiced in the hope that future generations will take up these values. 

Be Honest 

Pride in the past and optimism about the future are welcome, and stories often have to be simplified out of necessity, but IYQ should always aim to foreground honesty about the past and future of quantum science and technology. 

Have Fun! 

If quantum has brought joy to your life, share this joy with others.

Background and History

IYQ began as a grassroots movement among a small number of scientists, educators, and historians who recognized that the centennial of quantum mechanics in 2025 would be a perfect occasion to help broaden public understanding of how central quantum science and technology has become to humanity over the past 100 years and how its impact will likely only increase over the next 100 years. Word quickly spread among an international network of like minded individuals who began approaching scientific societies and developed a set of guiding principles for all those working on planning a public-facing quantum centennial celebration.

Recognizing the importance of quantum science and the need for wider awareness of its past and future impact, dozens of national scientific societies officially gathered together to support IYQ and endorsed marking 100 years of quantum mechanics with a U.N.-declared international year. The timeline of endorsements for this international year also included the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), and the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IUHPST).

With broad support from the international scientific community, national governments also backed the idea, particularly given the critical role of quantum science and technology in developing sustainable solutions in energy, education, communications, and human health.

Led by the nation of Mexico, in May 2023 the Executive Board of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) endorsed a resolution encouraging official UN proclamation, followed by an endorsement of the full UNESCO General Conference in November 2023, which was co-sponsored by nearly 60 countries.

In May 2024, the nation of Ghana formally submitted a resolution for official proclamation of the International Year to the U.N. General Assembly. On June 7, 2024 the U.N. General Assembly officially declared 2025 to be The International Year of Quantum Science and Technology. The resolution was co-sponsored by over 70 countries, representing over 5 billion people.


The UN resolution: “Invites the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to act as the lead agency and focal point for the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology, and invites all Member States of the United Nations, members of the specialized agencies, observers of the General Assembly, as well as organizations within the United Nations system and other international and regional organizations, academia, civil society, the private sector and other relevant stakeholders to observe 2025 as the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology”.

Coordination of IYQ is overseen by the IYQ Secretariat convened by UNESCO and APS. The IYQ Global Fund, supporting international coordination and global events, is overseen by the IYQ Steering Committee, composed of representatives from each of the IYQ Founding Partners as well as leaders around the world drawn from universities, research institutions, scientific societies, governments, and industry

100 Years of Quantum Progress

Health & Wellbeing

Quantum photonics is advancing medical imaging and diagnosis.

Quantum chemistry is supporting the development of new vaccines and drugs.

Reduced Inequalities

Open science and gender equity in education and research will ensure that quantum solutions are accessible to all.

Industry & Infrastructure

Quantum science is essential for developing new materials that drive technological innovation.

Economic Growth

Quantum science and technologies are integral to many industries; future economic and financial infrastructures will be secured by quantum information.

Climate Action

Quantum physics will inform next-generation sensors for environmental monitoring; quantum computers will improve the accuracy of long-term climate models.

Clean Energy

Quantum engineering is leading to more energy efficient and affordable solar cells and low emission LED light sources.